CCHE Elementary Guidelines
1. Safety is of utmost importance. In order to maintain the safest environment possible, parents should stay with their child/ren, unless other arrangements have been made for the supervision of your child. Parents, or designated supervisor of your child/ren, are responsible for their own child/ren and are expected to be aware and handle any issues that may occur.
2. Along with safety, we also strive to have a fun and enjoyable environment. Verbal and/or physical harm will not be tolerated. We, as adults, need to model acceptable behavior and problem solving skills. Be respectful and receptive to any parent who may come to you about an issue concerning your child/ren. If issues happen to occur and cannot be worked out peacefully, parties may be asked to leave the event.
3. CCHE events are not only a fun and social event for children, but parents as well. Please be mindful of the topics you are discussing, as little ears are everywhere. Some topics may be more appropriate for Mom's Night Out. If a conflict between parents occurs and cannot be resolved peacefully, parties involved may be asked to leave.
4. The facilities CCHE uses are not our own, they are being graciously shared with us. As a thank you for their generosity, we need to respect the rules of any facility used and make sure we are cleaning up after ourselves. Let's strive to leave any facility in better condition than when we arrived as a token of our appreciation!
5. Each family that is a part of CCHE, as well those who are not, is unique in their way of educating their child/ren. Please be respectful of each other’s differences and approaches, as each family is doing what bests fits their family.